This Tengraph Checklist will help you understand the basic things you need to know about Tengraph Online.
It can be complicated to find all of the links you need to the free Tengraph Online account at Department of Mines and then understand all its functions, but it should be simple.
Thhis Mindmap used in conjunction with our Free EBook Download will help you to simplify matters relating to Tengraph.
We have created a simple clickable Tengraph Mindmap so you can understand at a glance what the important things that you need to know about Tengraph are and then simply click on links to get what you need.
Whether it is signup on the Department of Mines Website for a free Tengraph account, through to what the difference is between Mining, Prospecting and Exploration Leases is and links to the legend and training documents.
Tengraph Checklist Mindmap
Click Here for your Tengraph Checklist
This is a PDF File that needs to be downloaded, saved or opened on your PC.
The Mindmap has links that will take you to DMP pages to get further information or forms - if you are connected to the internet just click on the link in the blue boxes on the mindmap.
You will need a PDF reader to open the PDF, if you cannot open the downloaded PDF file then you can download Adobe Reader by left clicking on the icon below.
This checklist is an aid to our free Tengraph instruction Ebook which is available here, just click on the image.
Any Questions About the Tengraph Mindmap?
If you have any problems with the download or any questions about the Tengraph Mindmap or Tengraph Online please Contact Us, we are happy to help you find gold.
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