Gold Prospecting Lessons Survey Results

The Gold Prospecting Lessons Survey Results gave us a clear idea what training YOU want and the things you want to know about to shorten and simplify your learning time for finding gold.

Graph of Survey Results

Here is a graphical representation ofthe results and it clearly shows the subjects you want to learn about and how and where you want the training delivered to you.

Types and Location of training Requested

Some Input in the Gold Prospecting Lessons Survey Results About Training Locality

The Question was "IF 'Other' Selected - What type of training or Locality Would Assist You"

  • Places close to Perth for practising and simulating a ground were you can find gold in the Perth city region.
  • Maybe Kalgoorlie could be considered for a Seminar with field work as this locality would be more central for people from the Eastern States
  • I would love to have field practice however I live in Queensland. I will be travelling to wa next winter and would like to know when the seminars are happening.
  • A seminar (preferably in Perth) on how to read different ground compositions with detailed colour photos of different gold bearing ground compositions; later on a field trip to give hands on experience.
  • A location in NSW or Vic
  • A charter bus maybe - transport problems

They are representative of many other suggestions in the survey.

Subjects That Are Important to You

Training Subjects Requested in the Survey

We were surprised with the results here because although "How to Find Prospective Gold Areas" rated the highest - not surprising -

... but "Access and Using Tengraph" (15.5%) and "Downloading and Using Geomap" (15.1%) also rated very highly as subjects that people want to learn about.

Basic and advanced Metal Detecting techniques (12.6%) and Use of Minelab Detectors (14%) also rated highly.

Some Other Input in the Gold Prospecting Lessons Survey Results About Subjects You Are Interested In

The Question was "If you Selected "Other" What Other Training Subjects Would You Like?"

Advanced setup and use of Minelab detectors

An explanation and recognition of the various rocks etc that relate to gold.

Hands On - going out to various sites and actually prospecting. Learning about the geology of the land, what to look for eg: Shear Zones, quartz all the things that gold seems to be around.

Identifying geological formations that are always associated with alluvial gold finds.

Understanding of the geological terms and what is the best type of country to target (Like CZL or AU and the like)

Would like to go out in the field with an experienced person that can identify and show us what geological features to look for, this is calcrete,this is quartz this is laterite etc

Training in loaming to find deposits, alluvial flows, plus how to assay; work small deposits by hand.

Section 20a Agreements

Understanding Geological terms

Backyard Smelting

The Future

We are going to provide training based around the key things you are interested in at the beginning of the next Gold Prospecting season.

We will be emailing those people who completed the survey form directly to their email address about dates, venues and subjects that we will cover.

Make sure you subscribe to our eGold Monthly Newsletter so you know when the training starts and book if you are interested.

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