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Gold Prospecting e-News, Issue #049 - Section 40e Access to Metal Detecting Land in WA February 24, 2016 |
G'dayAccess to Heaps of Land for Metal Detecting through a Section 40eTable Of ContentsAccess to Heaps of Land for Prospecting. Rules of Access in a Nutshell . Draft Letters for Tenement Owners. How to target the BEST 10 Blocks in a Large Exploration Lease to Find the Gold
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Access to Heaps of Land for Metal Detecting through a Section 40eGidday AllIt’s getting close to Gold prospecting time of the year again, the temperatures have dropped to a balmy 40 degrees C and in a short month or so might be low enough to go prospecting again. No doubt you are all busily planning your year, as are Udo, Sue and I. This month we have upgraded the Section 40e page there is now some updated videos on that page as well as come rewriting to make it more readable. Just forgive us for the Music sound on the videos, we are still working with our Video software provider to understand why the music sound track are a bit distorted. The key thing is to understand that a Section 40e Permit will give you peace of mind by giving you legal access to a great percentage of already pegged land (Exploration Leases). This means that you can go prospecting without having to look over your shoulders. Let’s face facts, who needs the worry off doing things illegally when you can easily and cheaply get access to massive tracts of land?
Why a Section 40e Permit
Here is the link to the page which has the video “How to do a Section 40e Application” And that page has links to the forms that you need to apply for a permit.
Here is a link to the Department of Mines page that has all the conditions relating to a Section 40e permit. Department of mines Page on Section 40e permit rules.”
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Rules of Access to Land in a Nutshell.If you are unaware of the rules relating to access to land for prospecting please review this page Gold Prospecting Rules in WA.” Just remember that we have tried to summarize the information about prospecting in WA to simplify it and assist your knowledge, it is only a general guide to assist you in navigating the rules with links to Department of Mines information. A condition of you using our website is however that you understand the Department of Mines is the proper authority for gold prospecting rules and the Mining Act in WA and their website is located at this link Department of Mines Website in Western Australia.” Here is a link also to the pamphlet Department of Mines Guide “Prospecting in West Australia.”
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Draft Letter for Leaseholders to Get Access to Mining LeasesAs you can see by the rules outlined earlier you cannot access a granted Mining Tenement (Mining tenement is the general term used in the Mining Act to refer to all granted leases and licences) unless you have written permission from the Tenement holder. The three types of leases you will be mostly interested in are:
So for any of these three types of Mining tenements you can access them if you have written permission of the tenement holder. The exception is, of course, Granted Exploration Tenements where you can obtain access by applying for a Section 40e Permit - which is the subject of this newsletter. Many Tenement Holders will let you access their tenements for various reasons. You need to approach them professionally and with a documented agreement – Give yourself plenty of time though as it can take some time to get through the Mining company systems. We have included a draft letter that you might like to download and add you own touches to use to send to mining companies to access their land – it is definitely worth a try. Suggested Metal Detecting or Prospecting Request Permission Letters.
Return to Table of Contents How to Find The BEST 10 blocks in an Exploration Lease to Find the Gold
Many Exploration Leases have a large number of blocks, up to 70 Graticular blocks can be held in the one Exploration Lease. The question from your point of view (knowing you are only able to access 10 blocks on any one E Lease with your section 40e permit application) is; Which 10 Graticular Blocks Should I apply for with my Section 40e Application?”There are a number of methods including painstaking research of historical records and gold locations and use of Geomap which will be subject to a later newsletter.
Which area should I select my 10 Graticular blocks 1, 2 or 3?
The simplest way of selecting the area of the Greatest Gold Potential is based on using Goldtracker.
In this picture I have simply transferred the area GPS points into Goldtracker and undertaken one standard search for each point.
Goldtracker quickly showed me the area with the Best Potential for targeting Gold and I could have refined it even further by selecting an advanced search for the next highest potential area nearby. You can try GoldTracker here with fossicker package for $10 which gives you 10 standard and 2 advanced searches – or get more than 8 times the Goldtracker Access with the Prospector Pack with 80 Standard Searches and 20 x Advanced Searches for $55.00.
If you are an APLA member there is a very special deal for Goldtracker customers who are APLA members here – This is a incredible deal with 280 standard and 20 advanced searches at a very good price available at the link below BUT you have to be an APLA member. APLA Special Member Offer Gold Tracker.
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Some DisclaimersDisclaimer - Amalgamated Prospectors and Leaseholders Assocation (APLA)… I am the Treasurer of APLA in WA and Udo is a member, we just believe passionately in protecting the rights of prospectors and the work APLA does to do this - just so you are aware that we are involved in APLA…. BillDisclaimer Goldtracker - Udo and I know Goldtracker works so well that we have invested in the Goldtracker software company (Goldtracker Pty Ltd) to be part of the team that brings GoldTracker to you…Bill
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Its getting closer to gold hunting season so see you out there soon, and if we dont - ...may you find plenty of gold nuggets in 2016 Regards Udo and Bill Nobody gets ALL the gold. There’s still plenty left for you.
ps – Just make sure you search for the gold Legally so you don’t have to look over your shoulders all the time!!
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