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Gold Prospecting e-News, Issue #99 - Missing Prospector a Police Plea July 09, 2022 |
G'dayLost Prospector Cue - A Police Plea
Did You Update Your "One Click " Download Tenements app?
Missing Prospector in CUE - A Police Plea. Progress Programming of Goldtracker APP for Apple Ios. Update on Minelab 6000 - Now we can endorse it. APLA Members Get 60% off Goldtracker App "In App" Purchases Until 31 July. Return to Table of Contents Updated Tenements in Geomap Projects Are Essential!Gidday From From Bill and Udo. This newsletter has a variety of topical items including a plea from Police relating to missing prospectors, In this case in Cue WA July 2022. Finally we are convinced the Minelab 6000 is a solid machine (albeit overpriced) - I almost wrote this machine off last August due to the erratic behaviour of the coil! We are still getting some people updating their "One Click " Download Tenements app The Links to tenements used in Geomap Projects changed on 17 June 2022 so the old updater will not work.
Our last newsletter referred to this and the fact that we have built a new App for downloading tenements for those who have the setup that we use in our training for downloading tenements.
BUT Remember - to use this - You MUST have the files and folders setup that we teach in Geomap Training, at our Gold Prospecting Seminars, and any of the free training we have done for APLA and others.
SO if you need the update "Download Tenements app" here is a a link to the blog post. that will describe how to get it on to your PC.
Missing Prospector in CUE - A Police PleaSafety is your main concern when out the bush prospecting. Here is a communication with a few tips, from the Seargeant Mark Williams from the Cue Police who recently had to organise a search for a prospector missing in Cue. His Key Points:
Cue Police Safety Tips from Sergeant Mark Williams Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs)Folks if you do not have a PLB Personal Locator Beacon you should NOT be out in the bush prospecting.They cost very little - $360! (What is that compared to the cost of an $800 to $10000 dollar detector - Don't kid yourself, you CAN get lost or injured in the bush and a PLB With GPS and safety plan will be your lifesaver.)
Some Information on PLBs are here; AMSA Information about Beacon Types.
Page down to "Current PLB Models" Here is a link to one PLB which is very popular, lightweight and portable. Make sure it is with you in the bush at all times - CLIPPED TO YOUR BELT OR HARNESS NOT IN THE CAR. Make sure you know how it works and TEST IT before you travel. Return to Table of Contents
Progress - Programming of Goldtracker APP for Apple Ios.We will be meeting with our programmer Monday 12 July and mapping out the development and release timetable of the GOLDtracker App for Apple Ios devices.The back end or the app has been built it is now a matter of jumping through the Apple hoops necessary to launch the App. I now use the APP to identify areas with a good score, good Archean Geology, with faults and preferably on unpegged or pending land. We have been out bush prospecting the past few weeks and Goldtracker App on our Android Phones has certainly proved a very good tool to identify these areas. One location we went to generated nuggets from 6.5 grams downwards where we found 42 nuggets in two days for 25 grams - we have still to go back to that area to clean it out so I wont reveal its location! Which leads me to a discussion on performance of the Minelab GPX6000
Update on Minelab 6000 - Now We Can Endorse it.![]() I have to tell you that when I finally got the money together to buy a GPX6000 last August and travelled to our mining lease in Sandstone I had great anticipation and thoughts of a Bonanza of gold. Instead I got, noise, interference and out-detected by a GPX4500 - I was pretty annoyed. In fact I videoed the 6000 and my attempts to quieten it down and was going to put a scathing review of it on the website but decided to get the coil checked first. (that's me above and I was pretty unhappy at the time about the performance of the 6000) The coil was a dud - Minelab never explained what the problem was but replaced it. So this was the first trip I have had to test it again and even though I bought a new Nuggetfinder Zed Coil for the GPZ7000, the 7000 remained in its bag due to the excellent performance of the 6000. Suddenly the 6000 was quiet and even though both my hearing aids died during the trip, I could clearly hear the signals with the 6000 Headphones. ...and boy it did find the gold. Small, big, loud, clear, deep small bits you name it. Even found gold in GPZ7000 holes that had been missed. So we are now fans - BUT if your GPX6000 is noisy get the coil checked it could be faulty - we have heard reports of coils being faulty so get them checked if very noisy. ALSO be prepared to kick aside every bit of Banded Iron, magnetite or hotrocks because it finds then in copious numbers as well!!!! AND be prepared to dig extremely small targets - because it will find them!
APLA Members Get 60% off Goldtracker App "In App" PurchasesWe will be reinstating APLA Members 60% discount off "In App" Purchases of Mining District Scores as a bonus to them for supporting the Prospecting community and prospectors in WA.The discount will be reinstated next week for APLA members (I just need to the programmer to sort out a new discount voucher) So if you are an APLA Member contact me by return email with your APLA members details and I will email the code to you as soon as it is created. If you do not have the Goldtracker App on your Android Phone here is a link to the page that tells you how you can get Goldtracker App.. Note: there is no discount for Buying the APP itself, currently that costs $24.99 and it is a once only cost - the discount is for "In App" Purchases of Mining District Graticule Scores. There are 9 districts in WA and each district is scored with the "Potential for Gold to Occur" - Each district has up to 100,000 colour coded scores so you can quickly see the potential to target gold. Gold Prospecting WA Facebook PageReturn to Table of Contents
...may you find plenty of gold nuggets in 2022 Regards Bill and Udo Still Plenty of Gold out there - we had a ball the last few weeks on some unpegged ground and Section 40e land with the GPZ6000!!
p.s. don't forget to like the Facebook page so you get updates on when the new IOS (Apple) version of the Goldtracker App will be released.
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